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Top 5 Mobile Automation Tools to Test Android Applications

There are many mobile automation testing tools in the market; some are open source and some are commercial, many testers attract towards open source mobile automation testing tools due to their cost (free) and availability, and many towards commercial automation tools too due to their in-rich features and platform independence. However, commercial automation tools are expensive and license, testers who have a good budget can only purchase those tools. Using commercial tools, testers can do advanced testing on mobile applications.

Let’s have a look at the best 5 mobile automation tools:

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an all-in-one test automation tool for mobile, website, API, and desktop applications. Katalon Studio revolutionizes the way software testers use Appium with a complete test automation framework that allows testers to quickly set up, create, run, report, and maintain their automated tests.

Katalon Studio Download link


Appium Android Automation Framework


Appium is an open-source mobile automation tool to test iOS and Android native, mobile web and hybrid applications, whereas native apps are written with the help of iOS or Android SDKs, mobile web apps are apps that can be opened on mobile browsers (Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android) and hybrid apps are totally involved with “webview”.

The major advantage of using this tool is that it does not require any changes in the source code of the application before running the test. However, Appium uses the Selenium JSON Wire Protocol; you can write the test in any language supported by Selenium. Although, Appium is a “cross-platform” tool facilitates testers to reuse the code between iOS and Android test suites.

Appium Download Link


Ranorex Automation Tool

Ranorex is presented by Ranorex GmbH, a GUI test automation framework to test desktop, web and mobile applications. However, every test automation project requires a robust user interface for reliable testing and to find maximum to maximum bugs, Ranorex has tried to provide the same type of test interface for all types of mobile platforms, i.e, iOS, Android and Windows 8 applications. Using this tool, a test can be directly recorded on your device. It managers your app objects via powerful Object Repository and its object-based app testing feature facilitates tester to join mobile app objects with action items for real user simulation.

Although it is very strong in recognizing mobile application UI elements, it very easily can execute the test on any mobile device in any resolution and in any language. Also, it is strong in object recognition, validation and verification on mobile application testing become easier.

Ranorex Download Link


SeeTest Mobile App Automation Testing

ExperiTest delivered tool “SeeTest” a strong mobile test automation framework, comes in use to test mobile apps/websites. It works on almost all major platforms, i.e. Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and Symbian. In this tool, the native objects can be identified by various items, like; id, class, text, accessibility Label, and accessibility Identifier, and web & a hybrid object can be identified by id, name, class, text, and CSS.

It supports HP tools (UFT /QTP, QC, LoadRunner, Sprinter, BSM, and BAC) by providing plugins, handles different devices using Single repository, provides automatic application learning process, fully integrated with Continuous Integration (CI) environments, i.e. Hudson, Jenkins, TeamCity, as well as Quality Center, TFS, JUnit, NUnit, PyUnit, TestNG, Ant. The most important feature of the tool is its full test coverage feature (inside and outside both), i.e, browser testing, phone settings, battery, etc.

SeeTest Download Link


Robotium Automated Testing Tool

Robotium is an open-source test automation framework available for all Android versions and sub-versions. It provides full support to Android native and hybrid applications, helps testers in writing automatic black-box UI test cases and gray box test cases for Android applications. For Android, it is similar to Selenium. Robotium tests are written in Java.

It automatically tests most of the application features; test operation doesn’t require much knowledge of the application. Testers don’t have to spend more time on writing test cases, those test cases execution becomes faster during the run-time binding to UI components. Robotium incorporates easily with Maven, Gradle or Ant to execute tests as part of continuous integration.

Robotium Download Link


MonkeyRunner Android App Testing

MonkeyRunner is one of the Android testing tools that provides an Application Programming Interface (API) for writing programs to automate and control the functional tests of an Android device. MonkeyRunner’s tests are written in Python, the test automation doesn’t include source code; so the testers who do testing operation don’t require much knowledge of source code. The tooling API protects a smartphone, a tablet or an emulator from outside of Android code and runs the test on real devices that are linked to a system or emulators.

The biggest demerit of the tool; testers need to write scripts for each device during the test and the test structure changes every time when the application interface changes. Monkeyrunner can also test the stability of an application and can compare the screenshot from a set of screenshots. Using monkeyrunner API, the user can develop the whole program/system based on Python to control Android devices.

MonkeyRunner Download Link



Mobile automation tools testing is not so easy task; it requires proper planning, research, and practices to make the testing successful. Before starting the testing process; tester should be having good knowledge of information technology skills, the application on which you are going to perform the testing operation, and the tool that you are going to use to test the application.

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