Software Testing Class

JUnit Framework and its use in Selenium

This tutorial will talk about JUnit Framework and how to use in your selenium script. For comprehensive Selenium tutorials series check out here.

What is JUnit?

JUnit is a controlling entity in selenium. For example in selenium suppose we have 10 scripts running and based on the script run reports and logs get generated and along with that we have set of XL files from which data get to generate. If we want the first script to execute first then the third script next and the next script doesn’t want to execute and some script wants to execute on the end for this there should be a controlling entity in between which controls everything. Controlling entity will read the data from excel file and will call the corresponding script and pass on the data from excel file and also generate the reports and also logs, here controlling entity is JUnit.

Step1: Create a New Project in Eclipse

Project Name: Junit and Click on Finish

new java project

Step2: Right click on src folder and create a New Package

Package Name: testcases

Click on Finish

Step3: Create a Class under package

Class Name: FirstTestCase

Click on Finish

Note: If we want to make a JUnit class and inside it if we want to write a test case then we no need to write public static void main() , just we need to add the annotation @Test.

[You make like : How to use JUnit Annotations in Selenium WebDriver Automation Script]

First, we need to integrate JUnit into our project, just we need to add JUnit library to the project. Mouse hover to @Test and click on ‘Add JUnit library to the build path’ and Junit library is added to the build path.

package testcases;

import org.junit.Test;

public class FirstTestCase {

// Test Case
public void loginTest(){
//selenium code

System.out.println("logging in user");
// Test Case
public void registerTest(){
//selenium code

System.out.println("Registering a user");

// Test Case
public void dataBaseTest(){
//selenium code

System.out.println("Testing the database");



Run the above program

Right click on Class->Select Run As->Select the option JUnit Test


logging in user

Registering a  user

Testing the database


Ignore the Test:

@Ignore annotation is used to Ignore the test


package testcases;

import org.junit.Ignore;

import org.junit.Test;

public class FirstTestCase {

@Test // Test Case

public void loginTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("logging in user");



@Test // Test Case

public void registerTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("Registering a  user");


@Test // Test Case

public void dataBaseTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("Testing the database");



Run the above program

Right click on Class->Select Run As->Select the option JUnit Test


logging in user

Testing the database


Running TestCases in a Batch


package testcases;

import org.junit.Test;

public class SecondTestCase {


public void sendEmailTest() {

System.out.println("Testing Sending Email");



package testcases;

import org.junit.Ignore;

import org.junit.Test;

public class FirstTestCase {

// Test Case

public void loginTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("logging in user");



// Test Case

public void registerTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("Registering a  user");


// Test Case

public void dataBaseTest(){

//selenium code

System.out.println("Testing the database");


Create Third Test case and run above Two tests in one class

package testcases;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import org.junit.runners.Suite;

import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;



public class MyTestSuiteRunner {


Right Click on MyTestSuiteRunner and Run As Junit Test


@Before and @After Annotations

package testcases;

import org.junit.Before;

import org.junit.After;

import org.junit.Test;

public class SecondTestCase {

//browser open


public void openBrowser() {

//open browser

System.out.println(“opening the browser”);



public void sendEmailTest() {

System.out.println("Testing Sending Email");



public void sendMessageTest() {

System.out.println("Testing Sending Message");



public void closeBrowser() {

//close the browser

System.out.println(“closing the browser”);


Run the above program

Right Click on SecondTestCase and Run As JUnit Test


@BeforeClass and @AfterClass Annotation

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass methods will be executed before and after executing all the test cases.


package testcases;

import org.junit.Before;

import org.junit.After;

import org.junit.Test;

public class SecondTestCase {

//browser open

@BeforeClass // have to be static

public static void beginning() {



@AfterClass // have to be static
public static void ending() {



public void openBrowser() {

//open browser

System.out.println(“opening the browser”);


public void sendEmailTest() {

System.out.println("Testing Sending Email");


public void sendMessageTest() {

System.out.println("Testing Sending Message");


public void closeBrowser() {

//close the browser

System.out.println(“closing the browser”);


Run the above program

Right Click on SecondTestCase and Run As JUnit Test


Output: Beginning and Ending gets printed before and after executing all the test cases


Assertions in JUnit 

Create a New Class

Class Name: Assertions

package testcases;

import org.junit.Test;

public class Assertions {


public void testFriendlistFacebook() {

int actual_total_friends=100;

int expected_total_friends=101;

Assert.assertEquals( expected_total_friends, actual_total_friends);

Run the above program

Right Click on Assertions and Run As JUnit Test


Parameterize the Test

Create a New Class

Class Name: ParameterizedTestCase

package testcases;

import org.junit.Test;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;


public class ParameterizedTestCase {

public String username;

public String password;

public int pin;

public ParameterizedTestCase(String username , String password, int pin) {

this.username = username;

this.password = password; = pin;



public static Collection<Object[]>  getdata() {

//rows – number of times you want to repeat the test

//cols- number of parameters you want to pass

Object[] [] data = new Object[2] [3];

//1st row




//2nd row




return Arrays.asList(data);



public void testRegister() {

System.ou.println(“testing registration--” + username + “_ _ “ + password + “ _ _” + pin);



Run the above program

Right Click on ParameterizedTestCase and Run As JUnit Test.

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