Software Testing Class

Complete Guide on Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium

In Selenium tutorial series, this chapter, we are going to learn about the implicit and explicit waits feature present in Selenium WebDriver. These wait features play a vital role in test automation using Selenium WebDriver.

Why needs for Waits in Selenium?

In today’s world, most of the web applications are quite complex and make use of various asynchronous events such as AJAX Call, JavaScript procedure, etc. These events involve number of Web Elements which take different time to load by the browser. Therefore, in order to mitigate the situation where test completes without loading of the actual web element under test that results in “ElementNotVisibleException” exception, we use WebDriver wait feature in order to provide these web elements ample time to load before the test completes.

E.g., we have a web application which on a particular events loads a web element where the implicit wait time is set to 25 seconds and the explicit wait time is set to 15 seconds. In this application there is an expected condition i.e. explicit wait time to find a web element. If this web element is not located within the defined time frame then it will use implicit wait time of 25 seconds before throwing an exception known as “ElementNotVisibleException

Let’s understand both implicit and explicit wait time with the help of following JAVA test script for Selenium WebDriver.


As explained above, the implicit wait method is the function that tells the WebDriver to wait for a particular time period in seconds to load a particular web element before throwing “ElementNotVisibleException” exception. It has the following syntax.

Syntax of Implicit Wait:

driverGC. Manage ().timeouts ().implicitlyWait (15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

In the following example in Java test script, we are declaring an implicit wait that has a time frame of 15 seconds. It means that if the web element is not found on the current web page within this time frame, it will throw an “ElementNotVisibleException“.

package seleniumpackage;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class ImplicitWaitDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	System.setProperty("", ".//chromedriver.exe");
        WebDriver driverGC = new ChromeDriver();
        driverGC.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        String baseWebUrl = "";
        String expectedWebsiteTitle = "World’s Largest Professional Network | LinkedIn";
        String actualWebsiteTitle = "";
        /* get the actual value of the title*/
        actualWebsiteTitle = driverGC.getTitle();
        if (actualWebsiteTitle.contentEquals(expectedWebsiteTitle)){
            System.out.println("Test Passed!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Test Failed!");

Explanation of JAVA Code

In the above programme, we are doing the following stuffs.

driverGC.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, Timeunit.SECONDS);

Output Console for Implicit Wait WebDriver Method

Implicit Explicit Waits Console1


The explicit wait feature of the WebDriver API is used to inform the Web Driver to wait until a certain condition or ExpectedConditions is met within the given maximum time before throwing “ElementNotVisibleException” exception. It is a smart wait feature that can be applied only for specific web elements. Explicit wait are superior to implicit wait in the sense that an explicit wait waits for dynamically loaded Ajax elements.

Explicit Wait works with “ExpectedCondtions” class that can be configured to check the condition using Fluent Wait based on required frequency. Usually, we use Thread.sleep () method for introducing the wait time that is not recommendable when we have this explicit wait feature present in WebDriver API. It has the following syntax.

Syntax of Explicit Wait:

WebDriverWait driverWait = new WebDriverWait (driverGC, 25);

In the following example, we are defining a JAVA class “ExplicitWaitDemo” to demonstrate the use of explicit wait using WebDriver API.

package seleniumpackage;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class ExplicitWaitDemo {
	  public static void main(String[] args) {
	    	System.setProperty("", ".//chromedriver.exe");
	        WebDriver driverGC = new ChromeDriver();
	        WebDriverWait driverWait = new WebDriverWait(driverGC, 25);
	        String baseWebUrl = "";
	        String expectedWebsiteTitle = "World’s Largest Professional Network | LinkedIn";
	        String actualWebsiteTitle = "";
	        /* get the actual value of the title*/
	        actualWebsiteTitle = driverGC.getTitle();
	        if (actualWebsiteTitle.contentEquals(expectedWebsiteTitle)){
	            System.out.println("Test Passed!");
	        } else {
	            System.out.println("Test Failed!");
	        WebElement webElement; 
	        webElement = driverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated("nosuchelement")));;

Explanation of Java Code

In the above programme, we are doing the following:

WebDriverWait driverWait = new WebDriverWait(driverGC, 25);
WebElement webElement; 
webElement = driverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated("nosuchelement")));;

Output Console for Explicit Wait


In this chapter, we have learned the use of implicit and explicit wait features in Selenium along with the test script example. In both cases, we have waited for a web element to load for the particular time duration in seconds. These features are very useful in implementation of the test automation for the applications that have AJAX calls and other asynchronous request model for dynamic loading of the web elements on the web page under test.

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