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Perform Effective Cross Browser Testing Using This Strategy and LambdaTest

In the previous article, we got to know why Cross-browser testing is an integral part of any web application testing. With so many browsers available in the market, each with their own usage shares that varies based on user zones as well as devices, a tester easily gets into complication regarding how to formulate a proper testing strategy or which browsers to select in the compatibility matrix. In this article, we are going to discuss few strategies for easing your Effective Cross Browser Testing efforts and a cross-browser testing tool that can help you ensure browser compatibility of your website.

Effective cross browser testing

So, before we move ahead with the strategy it is important to know the basic steps that take to perform cross-browser testing of your application.


Prerequisites for Performing Cross Browser Testing

Effective Cross Browser Testing usually involves the following steps.

Let’s now strategize the cross-browser testing in order to reduce efforts for testing across through thousands of combinations and start testing.


Performing Cross-browser testing: How?

Selection of Browsers and Operating system combinations

Selection of the browsers can prove to be quite a complex procedure. Since apart from the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE and Opera there are multiple others browsers that occupy quite a bit of space in the browser usage share. Let’s discuss how

Creating a browser compatibility matrix is, however, not that complicated, but it requires quite a bit of research to be performed at your end. We’ll get on to it in our next blog on ‘Creating a Browser compatibility testing matrix’.

Perform Cross Browser Testing on the selected list

Let’s discuss how you can use LambdaTest to execute cross browser testing of your website across different browser, device and operating system combinations of your choice.

Once you are done with everything, you can click on the end button to end your testing session.

You will also find a “Switch” feature to change configuration without ending the current session and launching it again.

Fix the bugs and Get Assured

After the bugs have been detected, you can either create a log of them in your favorite bug reporting tool. You can also use the bug reporting tool provided by LambdaTest. While performing the testing, click on the camera icon and a pop up will appear. With a single click, you can log your bug with the required details and screenshot.

Get the bugs fixed by yourself or by the developer and execute the tests again. If there are frequent changes, you can use the inbuilt screenshot capturing tool for automated visual regression testing.

So now you’re all set with your strategy and tool for cross-browser testing. In the next blog, we’ll be discussing how to create a browser compatibility testing matrix.

Hope you liked our article if you have any questions let us know in the comments section below.

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