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How Katalon Smart Wait feature can handle web loading issues?

One of the exclusive features of Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 is Smart Wait – which aims to eliminate all web loading issues.

Selenium users have to deal with several problems related to Web loading, which result in the high rate of test failure. Some web elements are neither visible nor interactable; some others would receive the operations instead of the intended ones. The common cause is because the page hasn’t fully loaded or some operations (removing, adding, or modifying elements) haven’t finished performing yet.

Smart Wait feature is developed and introduced in Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 to cure the pain point mentioned above. It tells the web driver to wait for the web page to become static before performing the next operations.


This blog will provide you with two fundamental ways to utilize Katalon Smart Wait feature. Before we start, make sure that you have installed Katalon Studio 7 at

How Katalon Smart Wait can handle Web loading issues? 

Automatically wait for front-end processes

Smart Wait feature will wait for all front-end processes of the web page to complete before taking the next operations, thus mitigate unstable outputs. It also saves automation engineers a vast amount of time and effort put into investigating false alarms.

Faster execution speed

Smart Wait can faster the test execution speed by keeping the results stable, especially in overnight-batch execution, where unexpected failures can stop the whole process, and no one is available to re-run.

Better analytics and insights

The execution history is clean and clear for analytics to better detect operation insights or patterns. Eventually, your team can significantly improve performance and deliver better data-driven decisions. 

How to apply Katalon Smart Wait feature to your project?

There are two ways to apply Katalon Smart Wait feature: 

Apply Smart Wait to all elements of a project

Smart Wait is enabled by default in Project/Settings/Execution. This default configuration will automatically install the Smart Wait extension and apply it to all elements in that project.


Apply Smart Wait to a particular element of a script

You can use the keyword disableSmartWait in your test script to turn off the Smart Wait function temporarily. 

If you want to apply Smart Wait feature to specific elements in a script, keep in mind that you do NOT switch from Enable to Disable under Default Smart Wait. Katalon Studio only downloads the Smart Wait extension automatically when it’s enabled in Project Settings. As such, if you need to disable this function in certain elements of your project, use the keyword disableSmartWait. Two keywords enableSmartWait and disableSmartWait in your script will be helpful for you enable and disable this function, respectively. 

To see how Smart Wait function works, refer to Sample Smart Wait project

Sample Smart Wait Example:






WebUI.setText(findTestObject('username'), '')





Katalon Smart Wait feature can handle timing issues flawlessly, thus saving your time and effort. Moreover, this function enables you to speed up test creation, focus more on testing scenarios and improve test scripts quality, even in a highly scalable environment.

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