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Katalon Studio 7: A Glance Over Top 7 Advanced Features

The brand new Katalon Studio 7 is now available!

Katalon Studio 7 (KS7) arrives as a transformative renovation of the Katalon automation tool. With a host of enhanced features for a comprehensive and enjoyable testing experience, this latest version aims to address all testing issues arising not only in small teams but also in medium and large enterprises, allowing teams to automate scalable projects. 

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7 Features to Love about Katalon Studio 7

1. Smart Execution

One of the most common issues of Selenium users in web application testing is the inability to interact with web elements due to the timing issue. Therefore, Selenium tests regularly suffer from a high rate of flakiness and instability of test results. 

The new feature Smart Wait Function of KS7 is designed to mitigate this pain point. Once Smart Wait is enabled, the automation process will wait until the web page is fully loaded before moving on to the next steps. This feature can reduce the flakiness of Selenium tests, improve the stability of test results as well as maintain code quality. 

2. Desktop App Testing

Apart from the existing capabilities on Web, API, or Mobile, KS7 comes with a new testing capability to increase the test coverage: Desktop application testing. Now you can automate your desktop app testing for UI on Windows 10.

Similar to the other testing capabilities, some ultimate features of Katalon Studio such as Objects Spying, Record and Playback are also integrated into desktop app test cases. Additionally, the rich set of built-in keywords makes the automation testing more accessible and efficient to users of all testing levels. 

3. Test Artifacts Sharing

KS7 supports you to optimize your test project management and collaboration with Test artifacts sharing. Thus, you no longer have to put much effort into copying your test artifacts – including test cases, test objects, profiles, custom keywords – into source code manually. Instead, you can easily export those test artifacts into ZIP files and import them to multiple Katalon Studio projects.

Test artifacts sharing stimulates the streamlined teamwork as well as the flexibility in both test project implementation and management.  

4. Private Plugin

With the latest version KS7, you can design private plugins for your teams and distribute them internally without publishing them on Katalon Store for public use. This feature best suites for medium and large teams. If you already have developed your custom keywords, you can easily share those keywords as plugins to reuse them in other test projects. 

These self-developed plugins will help your team improve the testing capabilities, enhance team collaboration, and clear out the security concerns. 

5. Test Suite Collection Reports

Test suite collection enables you to categorize the existing test suites into independent groups to improve project management and speed up the testing process. Those collections can be executed in both sequential and parallel approaches, allowing you to run tests on multiple environments.

Furthermore, the new test suite collection reports can provide you insightful analysis of your test results to better manage test results and build strategies for the later test cases. These reports can be created in different formats such as HTML, PDF, JUnit.

6. Data-driven testing with custom test data sources

The new Database setting capability can help you create your own database in a library connection (JDBC) and use those data sources in your test cases on Katalon Studio. This feature supports other database servers besides MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, increasing the flexibility and efficiency of automation projects.

7. SSL Client Certificate and Console Log Customization

KS7 allows you to send requests in API/Web services projects with SSL client certificates. Now, users can bypass the SSL server certificate validation and continue to enjoy testing with Katalon Studio without having to concern about restricted network policy. 

You also can gain more control over customizing console logs by enabling and disabling logs of executed test steps. This feature helps you to quickly pinpoint the primary causes of any issues and better control over console logs. 

And more to come! 

Katalon Studio 7 is now available in two versions: Basic and Enterprise. The Enterprise version is the best automation solution for teams with the needs for advanced features and network security policy compliance. 

There will be more updates and improvements in the next release of Katalon Studio. In the meantime, let’s experience the most enjoyable test automation with Katalon Studio 7.

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