Software Testing Class

Start your Web testing project with Katalon Studio

This tutorial provides an overview of how to set up a web testing project using Katalon Studio.

Make sure you already downloaded Katalon Studio at


Get Ready

Step 1: Set up a project

A new project can be created from scratch or from one of the project samples we provided.

Notes: All of the Katalon Studio codes in this tutorial can be found in the Getting Started Sample.


Step 2: Create the first test case

In Katalon Studio, test cases can be written in pure Selenium format. Below is an example:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
String baseUrl = "";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.findElement("txt-username")).sendKeys("John Doe");

However, writing test cases can be very time-consuming and tedious. In Katalon Studio, the above test case would look like this:

WebUI.openBrowser('')'Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment'))
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Username_username'), 'John Doe')
WebUI.setEncryptedText(findTestObject('Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Password_password'), 'g3/DOGG74jC3Flrr3yH+3D/yKbOqqUNM')'Page_CURA Healthcare Service/button_Login'))

The Katalon Studio’s beginning steps seem relatively self-explanatory. However, you might wonder where the “BrowserDrivers” is, what the “click and setText” methods are, or how to use the “Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment” argument. Let’s go through them together.

Katalon Studio can be used to perform both manual and automated testing. This tools uniquely provides a dual for both manual and automated tests:

Katalon click object

To put into practice, a team of testers and developers can apply the following steps to a complete workflow: 


Step 3: Verification in the test case

To know whether the login process is successful or not, you need to add the verification script to the test case.

Now, as you have known the basics of how Katalon Studio script works from the first test case, let’s move further to create a more realistic test case with the “Make Appointment” header verification.

Katalon Studio provides a rich set of verification keywords to deal with that requirement easily. Once again, this kind of script can be done in both Manual and Script mode.

WebUI.verifyElementText(findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/h2_Make Appointment'), 'Make Appointment', FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

After that, you can check the execution results in the Log Viewer. Refer to this documentation to learn how to view execution logs.


Step 4: Debugging the test case

Let’s intentionally make the test case fail by changing the verification text to “Make another Appointment.” There are several ways to check for the failure reasons in Katalon Studio.

Katalon Studio provides a debug mechanism that works the same as the code debug mechanism in advanced developer IDE to investigate complex scenarios.

The ‘Recording’ feature of Katalon Studio has its method to debug as well. You can continue to record the failed test case, run the error test step, then investigate and fix the issue directly in the recording mode. Here’s an example:

When the test case failed, the window below will show up. Click “Yes, I do” to continue to record the failed test cases.

Then, you can investigate and fix the issue directly in the recording mode.


Step 5: Plan the test case in a test suite

To plan test cases with several configurations (e.g., retrying on failure, email sending or data-driven binding), you can use a test suite. Additional configurations for a test suite execution can be managed by expanding the Execution Information section – as in the example below:

Refer to this doc for more details.


Step 6: Execute the test suite and view the result

Here’s how you can execute a test case in the designed test suite: 

Together with the standard JUnit format of the execution results and pre-built Docker images, these features will give you full flexibility to integrate Katalon Studio into a CI/CD pipeline with tools such as Jenkins or CircleCI.

We hope this tutorial will help you understand all the steps and concepts needed to start your Web testing project with Katalon Studio. Happy testing!


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  Happy Testing!!!
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