Software Testing Class

TestLodge – A Test Case Management Tool

Getting test cases organised, stored and collaboratively updated can be time consuming. Choosing a good Test Case Management Tool to expertly steer the process will be a positive contribution towards a successful end product.

TestLodge is a test case management tool that is simple to use. Whether working independently or in teams, users can easily manage their testing documentation and test cases, process test results and analyse bug reports that are logged automatically when tests fail.

Let’s take a look in a bit more detail how TestLodge can support the work of your team.

Ease of Use:

The user interface at TestLodge takes only a short time to learn, which means you can get on with the job of testing much quicker. Unlike many of the earlier test case management tools, TestLodge has been designed with simplicity in mind. From the moment you log in for the very first time, you can start preparing test runs for execution and have reports ready to be processed speedily.

TestLodge Test Case Management Tool


TestLodge know that everyone likes to work in different ways. Instead of having users conform to a set procedure, it lets you arrange your testing environment to suit the way you and your team like to work.

Cloud Based:

With TestLodge securely hosting all your content, you can choose to work anytime and on any device. When you are away from the office, pick up where you left off with no code to install or any concerns about new versions or security updates taking up your time.


It’s not uncommon to find Test Case Management Tools filled with more features than you’ll ever need. This can make learning and mastering how to use the software a real pain and wastefully time consuming. At TestLodge, you’ll only find the features you need for the job, streamlined and highly accessible.

Features Profile:

Let’s take a look at TestLodge’ primary features.

Test Plans:

A test plan can be used to record the overall testing strategy and is where you can record the objectives and scope of testing. A well laid out interface and easy navigation make it simple to create test plans for all your test suites. You can choose between using a template that offers helpful suggestions on what content to include such as pass and fail criteria, schedule or any areas to be omitted from the test, or plans can be created from scratch according to your own specifications. Whichever option you choose, you will find the whole procedure so much easier and more efficient that constructing test plans independently on Word docs as many still do. All test plans can be associated with any of your team’s test suites and these can be easily reassigned at any time.


Use a requirement document to store a detailed list of all requirements and user stories that your website or piece of software must eventually conform to. Each requirement will be associated with one or more test cases and its progress tracked in TestLodge as you test against the required end result. Using a requirement document is optional but doing so can greatly improve communication efficiency amongst members of your team.

Test Suites & Test Cases:

Keep all your test cases easily accessible and up to date in test suites. TestLodge makes it simple to organise these cases and has the capacity to group them into sections, then drag and drop into the order in which they should be executed. It also has ability to update the case without altering any tests within a run which have already been completed.

A test case by default is made up of a title, description, test steps along with expected result. It’s also possible to upload multiple images and documents to a single case along with associating your requirements with them. You can also add custom fields should you wish to store additional content.

Test Runs:

When one or more test cases have been written then filed in a test suite, a test run can now be created, and you will then be able to cycle over all tests with the ability to mark them as either passed, failed or skipped. A test run can contain one or many test suites with one or more users being assigned to the run. You can assign test configurations such as browsers and devices which your test cases should be run against. Once complete you have the ability to generate various reports along with the ability to spot patterns over time such as which test case fails the most often.

Integrated Issue Tracking:

TestLodge integrates with the majority of the top issue tracking tools such as Codebase, Jira, GitHub, Trello and Basecamp etc. Automated bug reporting is a big time saver because any time a test fails, TestLodge will automatically create a ticket in the chosen issue tracking tool. This reaches both the test team and the development team, so making it faster to correct the defect and rerun the test.

In Conclusion (TestLodge – Test Case Management Tool):

TestLodge (Test Case Management Tool) is lean on bloat but full of relevant features, with enough built in flexibility to let users perform tests according to their own preferences. With an uncluttered interface and clear guidance, new users can be testing within minutes. However you use TestLodge, you and your team will benefit from a smoother, more efficient testing experience that saves on time too.

If you would like to give TestLodge a try, they offer a no credit card, 30 day free trial.

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